The Southern Loop 345kV Transmission Line Construction Project
Type: Transmission
Scope: Constructed 53 miles of 345kV transmission line including the relocation of existing 345kV and 115kV interconnection line.
Location: Vermont, USA
Client: Vermont Transco
Vermont Transco owns and manages Vermont’s high-voltage electric transmission system (115 kV and above) and provides service to Vermont’s 17 electric distribution utilities and utilities in New Hampshire and New England.
In October 2010, Vermont Transco contracted Cianbro Construction to build 53 miles of 345kV transmission line including the relocation of existing 345kV and 115kV interconnection line as part of the Southern Loop transmission line project.
As subcontracted to Cianbro Construction the Irby work scope included the direct embed of wood H-frame structures, steel monopole structures on anchor bolt foundations, twin bundled conductor, and two static lines in mountainous terrain. The project was completed on schedule and with zero lost time incidents in October 2010.
Start Date: February 2010
Completion Date: October 2010
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