Valliant-Northwest Texarkana 345kV Transmission Line Construction Project
Type: Transmission
Scope: Constructed 43.5 miles of 345kV transmission line in Northeast Texas.
Location: New Boston, Texas
Client: American Electric Power
In April 2016, Irby Construction was awarded the contract for the construction of the Valliant to Northwest Texarkana Transmission Line project for AEP Southwestern Electric Power Company and AEP Oklahoma Transmission Company.
The project consisted of the installation of 43.5 miles of 345kV single steel pole transmission line on anchor-bolted foundations. Irby was supported by Erickson Air Crane and Winco for helicopter pole erection work scopes (Irby and Winco are Quanta Services subsidiary companies (PWR:NYSE)). The project was completed on time and with zero lost time incidents in January 2017.
Start Date: April 2016
Completion Date: January 2017
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