Patterson – S. Nashville 138kV Transmission Line Rebuild Project
Patterson – S. Nashville 138kV Transmission
Line Rebuild Project
Type: Transmission
Scope: 138kV Rebuild
Location: Southwest Arkansas
Client: AEP Southwestern Electric Power Company
Southwestern Electric Power Co. (SWEPCO), an American Electric Power company, serves more than 543,000 customers in Northwest and Central Louisiana, Northeast Texas and the Texas Panhandle, and Western Arkansas. In October 2021, Irby Construction began a 25-mile rebuild of the Patterson to S. Nashville 138kV transmission line for SWEPCO.
Located in the southwest corner of Arkansas, the project includes more than 240 structures that meander through marshy territory on Arkansas Heritage Commission property, U.S. Army Corp of Engineers land, and numerous wetland areas.
This 138kV single circuit transmission project consists of three eight-mile sections and has planned outages so the Irby crew can perform pole work on de-energized lines. The first section is 8.8 miles long and consists of 79 structures. The second section is 8.3 miles with the replacement of 83 structures, and the final section is roughly 8.1 miles with 80 structures. The final line is scheduled to be in-service on November 30, 2023.
To assist with overall access of the area, Irby has contracted with affiliate company MG Dyess to clear obstacles and tackle the challenging wetland conditions. For the more than 30 Irby crew members who are wrecking out and rebuilding the existing transmission line, MG Dyess is laying thousands of wood mats to access work areas.
NorthStar Energy Services, another affiliate company, is providing support services by drilling and pouring foundations as well as drilling and setting bases for the direct embed structures.
From creating entry and overcoming barriers to setting foundations and poles, these coordinated efforts allow Irby to work efficiently and effectively. Irby is exceeding expectations on this job and is committed to the absolute performance required to safely deliver this project on time and within budget.
Start Date: October 2021
Scheduled Completion: In Progress
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