Superintendents’ Meeting 2024: “Be an Absolute Performer”
Irby Construction Company hosted its annual Superintendents’ Meeting on August 5-6 in Flowood, MS. Every year, this meeting brings together Irby Executives, Regional Leaders, Superintendents, Project Managers, and others from the corporate office all in one location to provide updates and share information for the company’s continued growth and success
This year’s theme, “Be an Absolute Performer,” took an active approach to our company motto, “Absolute Performance.” Among other things, being an “Absolute Performer” means being accountable, seeing the bigger picture, setting expectations, connecting with your team, listening to those around you, and teaching others what you do.
The Superintendents’ Meeting included panels regarding safety, superintendents, project management, finance, equipment, DOT/LYTX, legal, IT, and bidding. Throughout every discussion, there was a thread of safety, reiterating that safety is paramount and must be driven from leadership down to every individual within Irby.
We’re thankful for the ability to bring Team Irby together in this way and are already looking forward to the 2025 Superintendents’ Meeting!